What are the symptoms of the Covid Omicron XE variant, and how dangerous is it?

A day after the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation announced its first case of the new Covid variation ‘XE,’ Gujarat has detected a case of the XE Covid variant, which is thought to be highly transmissible, according to sources. Mumbai has also reported a case of the omicron XE variant. The XE variation was discovered in the United Kingdom and is a mutation of Omicron B.1 and B.2 strains. The XE mutation is now being tracked by the WHO as part of the Omicron variation. Fever, sore throat, scratchy throat, cough and cold, skin irritation and pigmentation, gastrointestinal problems, and a dry cough are all possible Micron symptoms of this new variant.

What is Omicron XE Variant?

The novel COVID-19 variant XE was discovered in the United Kingdom in January 2022. According to the WHO it is five times more contagious than the BA.2 strain. The COVID-19 XE variant was recently discovered in India and is considered to be more highly transmissible than other variants.

The outbreak of Coronavirus is noticed again, and this time there’s an uptick in the spread. During the last few weeks, there has been a fourth wave of Coronavirus throughout Asia and Europe. The corona subvariant omicron BA.2 is thought to be the source of an upsurge in new instances. In this hour of danger, researchers have discovered a new Corona XE Variant

The omicron is significantly less infectious than the latter. So far, the good news is that none of the persons who have been infected around the world has displayed any hazardous symptoms.

Symptoms of Omicron XE Variant

Given the current scenario of the outbreak of the new COVID variant, it is difficult to say whether it is fatal, but recognizing the indications and symptoms might help one avoid catching the sickness.

Here are some of the symptoms of this novel Coronavirus strain.

The variant is currently studied by various scientists around the world. The new variant seems to share common symptoms that of the original omicron. Early indications of such an illness include fever, sore throat, cough, phlegm, and cold, as well as gastrointestinal troubles. Furthermore, for people who are already sick, the new variant may be considerably more harmful. It’s important to remember that the XE variation has only been out for roughly three months and hasn’t spread as far as Omicron. As a result, it is not a separate shape; rather, it resembles Omicron.
The vaccines for COVID-19 might help in fighting against the new Omicron XE variant, as it is a mutation of the original omicron. Because of the enormous number of vaccines given during the third wave, the omicron effect in India was mitigated during the time period and was less harmful than that in the second wave.

The severity of the New Variant

The new variant of the Covid Omicron XE is three times more contagious than the delta Variant. Omicron has a two-day doubling time that is shorter than delta, according to director Rochelle Walensky, showing increased transmissibility. According to a study, the virus strain fueling the outbreak in South Africa is better at evading immunizations and generating less severe diseases. However, the data also shows that, while the number of cases is increasing, hospitalizations are not, leading scientists to assume that the virus’s risk of hospitalization is lower than that of earlier COVID variants. Admitted patients diagnosed with COVID-19 were found to be 29% fewer than those diagnosed with the wave in mid-2020.

Precautions against the new Omicron Variant

Precautions are roughly the same across the board. For the past two years, everyone has been aware of the preventive precautions against this contagious virus. Despite the fact that the local state government has relaxed the mask requirements, I believe we should continue to wear masks, avoid crowded areas, and focus on maintaining our health. We should also make sure we are fully vaccinated, and if a booster dosage is available, we should take advantage of it.

It is important to follow the government norms set for the welfare of the public. it is safer and wiser to adhere to the rules.

Follow these rules for precaution from the third wave of COVID-19:

  • Wear a mask
  • Maintain social distancing
  • Practice proper sanitation
  • Get regular health check-ups and proper medications
  • Consult your nearest doctors if you or your family experience any of the COVID symptoms.
  • Get vaccination and encourage others to do the same.


The central government has advised people not to be alarmed by the new strain and has also stressed the importance of public awareness. The Indian government is keeping a close eye on the situation and issuing appropriate directives as needed.
The precautionary measures and arrangements may also provide greater assistance. It depends highly on the behavioural patterns of the public towards the new Omicron XE virus. Stay at home, follow the doctor’s advice, and maintain distance.


Do you know what Influenza is? Is this a viral infection?

Influenza is a virus that affects your respiratory system, which includes your nose, throat, and lungs. The majority of the infected people, recover from the flu on their own. Human-infecting influenza viruses are divided into three categories: A, B, and C.

Type A influenza infection can be dangerous, resulting in widespread sickness and outbreaks. However, influenza and its consequences might be fatal in some cases if not taken properly care of.

The following category of people are at a higher risk of getting influenza:

  • Children under the age of five, particularly those under the age of six months, are vulnerable.
  • Adults over 65 years old
  • Nursing home and other long-term care facility residents
  • Women who are pregnant or who have given birth within two weeks
  • Individuals with weak immune systems
  • Chronic sickness sufferers, such as those with asthma, heart disease, renal disease, liver disease, and diabetes
  • Obese people

What Causes Influenza?

When someone with influenza coughs, sneezes, or talks, the virus spreads through the air. A person might directly inhale the virus in the air or one can also pick up germs from an object (such as a phone or computer keyboard) and then transmit it into their bodies through the eyes, nose, mouth, etc.

People infected with the virus are likely contagious from the day before symptoms begin to five days after they appear. Children and others with compromised immune systems may remain contagious for a longer period of time.

If you’ve already had influenza chances are, your body has already produced antibodies to combat the strain of the virus. If future influenza viruses are similar to those you’ve already encountered, either through infection or vaccination, those antibodies may help prevent or minimize the severity of infection.

Types of Influenza

The four types of Influenza viruses are – A, B, C & D. influenza A, and B viruses cause seasonal epidemics of illness (known as flu season) practically in the winter. The only influenza viruses known to generate pandemics or worldwide outbreaks of flu, are influenza A viruses. Infections with the influenza C virus usually cause only mild disease and are not thought to create human epidemics. Influenza D viruses are mostly found in cattle and are not known to infect or sicken humans.

Symptoms Of Influenza

The flu may appear to be a normal cold at first, with a runny nose, sneezing, and a sore throat. Colds, on the other hand, normally take time to develop, whereas the flu strikes rapidly. And, while a cold might be a bit irritating, the influenza flu usually makes you feel much worse.

The following are some of the most common flu signs and symptoms:
  • Fever
  • Muscle aches
  • Sweats and chills
  • Headache
  • Coughing that is dry and persistent
  • Breathing problems
  • Weakness and exhaustion
  • A stuffy or runny nose
  • Throat irritation
  • Pain in the eyes
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea are common in children, but they are less prevalent in adults.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Everyone over the age of six months should get a flu vaccine every year. The flu vaccine can reduce your risk of getting the flu and its severity, as well as your chances of developing a serious illness as a result of some existing illness.

At this time the flu vaccination is especially crucial because flu and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) share some common symptoms. The flu vaccine may help to minimize symptoms that are similar to those caused by COVID-19. The number of patients who need to stay in the hospital could be reduced if the flu could be prevented. The seasonal flu vaccine protects against four influenza viruses that are projected to be the most prevalent during the flu season. The flu vaccinations are also available as an injection and a nasal spray.

You can also do the following to prevent the spread of the influenza virus:
  • Wash your hands properly
  • Avoid touching your face frequently
  • Properly cover your coughs and sneezes
  • Avoid contact with the crowd

When to Consult a Doctor?

The majority of individuals who have the flu can treat it at home and do not need to see a doctor. If you have flu symptoms and are concerned about complications, make an appointment with your doctor very once. Antiviral medications can help shorten the duration of your sickness and prevent more serious complications. If you’re experiencing flu-like symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Emergency signs and symptoms in adults may include:

Difficulty in breathing
Chest pain
Worsening of other existing medical conditions
Severe weakness, fatigue or muscle pain

Emergency signs and symptoms in children may include:

Breathing problems
Lips turning blue
Pain in the chest
Muscle aches and pains
Extensive deterioration of pre-existing medical conditions


Small steps of prevention on your part can help minimize a bigger problem. Influenza is a common disease and its remedy is also available, but it also becomes fatal if it keeps increasing. Hence, proper medication, self-care, and prevention are necessary to reduce the pandemic that could be caused as an effect of the spread of Influenza.

What exactly is a hypochondriac? Is it a Mental Disorder?

Hypochondria or hypochondriasis also called illness anxiety disorder, have an irrational fear of developing a significant medical disease or being at high risk of being ill. They could misunderstand normal body functions and activities as symptoms of sickness. For example, people can believe that a simple sneeze is an indication that they have a terrible disease.

A hypochondriac is fixated on the concept that he/she is dangerously unwell, even after several medical tests with normal reports. The constant health concerns might cause problems in their relationships, professions, and personal lives.

The terms hypochondria and health anxiety may very familiar. Illness anxiety disorder is currently a term used by healthcare providers. People who suffer from illness anxiety disorder are unable to control their emotions. However, they are keenly aware of their problem.

Types of Hypochondriasis?

A person suffering from hypochondriasis usually falls into one of the following categories:

Care-seeking – The sufferers spend a lot of time in a hospital looking for help. They constantly need medical consultations and regular health checkups for themselves.

Care-avoidant – They generally avoid doctors and medical help. They couldn’t trust doctors and believed that the doctors are paying them proper attention.

What Causes Hypochondriasis?

Experts and practitioners don’t exactly know the crux of the development of this problem in people. However, if you have a family history of any of the following, you may be more susceptible to Hypochondriasis:

  • Child abuse or neglect, for example, can cause childhood trauma.
  • Extreme stress
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Rape or physical or emotional abuse
  • Health fears or other anxiety disorders

Symptoms of Hypochondriasis

A Hypochondriac sets an unrealistic assumption that they are severely ill. The illness(es) that they are concerned about frequently changes. It is a type of mental illness. It usually begins in early adulthood and may appear when the individual or someone they know has been diagnosed with a major medical condition or has lost a loved one to a catastrophic medical condition. A psychiatric disease such as panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or serious depression affects about two-thirds of hypochondriacs.

Symptoms of hypochondria can vary depending on a number of circumstances, including stress, age, and whether or not the person is already a chronic worrier.

Hypochondriasis has the following symptoms:

  • Fear of places or people due to the fear of catching a disease or infection
  • Researching diseases and symptoms on a regular basis.
  • Exaggerating symptoms and their severity (for instance, a cough becomes a sign of lung cancer).
  • Anxiety about one’s own health
  • Obsession with normal body functions like heart rate.
  • Oversharing your symptoms and health condition with others
  • Take your blood pressure or temperature on a regular basis to look for indicators of sickness.

Hypochondriac Treatment

When a person goes to the doctor at the first sign of a small illness, their doctor may not take them seriously. However, the person is just concerned about their own health. Sometimes, some doctors may take advantage of the patient’s anxieties by ordering unnecessary tests in order to calm them down. This clearly wastes both, the patient’s time and resources. In such cases, self-help becomes a necessity.

Following are the ways in which a person can treat themselves, or calm themselves during illness anxiety:

  • Learning stress management
  • Applying relaxation techniques
  • Avoiding looking up the possible causes of your symptoms on the internet
  • Avoiding alcohol and recreational drugs, which can exacerbate anxiety
  • Understanding your body and its basic function
  • Make an appointment with a primary healthcare physician
  • Only get necessary tests (set a limit to tests)

It’s worth mentioning that many people refuse to admit that anxiety is a factor in their symptoms. As a result, they are less likely to seek mental health treatment. Hypochondriacs are often so resistant to the idea that they have anxiety that it requires support from their family and loved ones to convince them that they need care.


  • Excessive worrying can irritate others, which can lead to relationship or family issues.
  • Workplace performance issues or frequent absences
  • Problems with day-to-day functioning, possibly leading to impairment
  • Excessive health-care visits and medical bills have caused financial difficulties.
  • Other mental health conditions, such as somatic symptom disorder, various anxiety disorders, depression, or a personality disorder


Being a hypochondriac and experiencing health anxiety can be debilitating. It can severely affect the lives of the people who suffer from it. If you’re suffering from anxiety seek professional advice, learn to recognize your stress and its effects on your body, and stick to your treatment plan. Take care of your body, take care of yourself.


The Importance of Maintaining Physical Activity in Later Life

We’ve heard many times before, that physical activity and exercise are good for health. Numerous studies have demonstrated the major health benefits of exercise, which grow even more vital as we age. Seniors who engage in regular physical activity and exercise improve their mental and physical health, which will help them preserve their mobility and body stamina as they age.

Physical activities can help you avoid a lot of the health issues that appear to come with getting older. It also aids muscle growth, allowing you to carry out your routine activities without becoming reliant on others. Elder people with critical health conditions should be aware of whether and how their illnesses limit their capacity to engage in regular physical activity safely. When chronic conditions prevent elderly people from doing 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week (for example, 30 minutes 5 days a week), they should be as physically active as their abilities and conditions allow.

Let’s look at some of the benefits related to maintaining physical activity in later life:

Disease Prevention through Exercise

Regular physical activity help in preventing a variety of ailments, including heart disease and diabetes. Exercise boosts overall immune function, which is especially crucial for seniors whose immune systems are frequently weakened. Even light activity, such as walking, can be an effective aid in the management of avoidable diseases.

Improves Mental Health

Exercising has numerous mental health benefits. Endorphins (the “feel good” hormone) are released during exercise and work as a stress reliever, leaving you feeling pleased and satisfied at the time. In addition, exercise has been related to increasing sleep, which is especially essential for older persons who typically suffer from insomnia and irregular sleep patterns. In short physical activities does not only positively impact your physique but also your mental health.

Stiff and Strong Body

Falls are more common among older persons, which can be terrible because of their inability to maintain balance. Hence, physical activity provides firmness to their body. increases strength and flexibility, which helps with balance and coordination, lowering the chance of falling. Falls take far longer for seniors to recover from, so everything that will help them avoid them in the first place is essential.

Social Life and Engagement

Exercise can be turned into an enjoyable social event by joining a walking group, attending group fitness courses, or visiting a gardening club. For ageing folks to retain a sense of purpose and avoid emotions of loneliness or sadness, they must maintain strong social links. Above all, choose an activity that you enjoy, and it will never feel like a chore again.

Improved Cognitive Abilities

Cognitive function is aided by regular physical activity and this is achieved through the movement of the body and the brain. Numerous studies show that physically active people have a lower risk of dementia, regardless of when they start a routine. When you engage your body in physical activity you release all toxins and find it really refreshing and relaxing. This gives your brain space and time to relax, leading to improved cognitive abilities.

Other Importance of Physical Activity

  • Gives you energy
  • Can lift up your mood and fight depression
  • Improves strength and helps you stay independent

How to Start?

Throughout the day, older folks should move more and sit less. Remember that any amount of physical activity is preferable to none. There are some health benefits for older persons who sit less and engage in moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity. Your health benefits will also rise as you increase your physical activity. In other words, you can simply start by making random movements throughout your day and keeping your body flexible. Slowly and gradually increase your activities and turn them into proper exercise or routine physical activity.

It is safe to exercise for most persons over the age of 65. Patients with chronic conditions can exercise safely as well. Ask your doctor if you’re not sure if exercise is safe for you or if you’re currently sedentary.

Simple Physical Activities

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Park your vehicle a little far from your destination so that you get to walk a little
  • Walking or cycling instead of driving.
  • Walk your dog.
  • Work in the yard.
  • Do little sitting exercises while watching TV


For elder age people, who have less stamina and working capacity, engaging in at least a minimum of 150 minutes a week could also be beneficial. Physical activities are good for people of all ages, and it’s just better when you start prioritizing it. We hope that, regardless of your age, this will inspire you to incorporate physical activity or exercise into your daily routine.

Everything You Should Know About Preventing and Treating Birth Defects

We all know that birth defects occur but can be prevented. If you’re thinking about conceiving or are already expecting a child, you should be aware of the risks of birth defects. Although these cannot always be avoided, there are several areas of prenatal care that can save your unborn child. Not all defects can be prevented, but you have maximum chances of giving birth to a healthy baby simply by managing your health conditions, and including a healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy.

A birth defect is an abnormality in your newborn baby’s body that is visibly abnormal, internally abnormal, or chemically abnormal. Genetics, infection, radiation, or medication exposure may cause the defect, or there may be no known cause. Genetics birth defects are also very common these days. Phenylketonuria, sickle cell anemia, Down syndrome, and heart defects are examples of birth abnormalities. Let’s discuss and understand birth defects in detail.

What is a Birth Defect?

A birth defect is an abnormality in the body of your newborn baby. It’s a structural alteration in the body that occurs at birth and can affect practically any portion of the body (e.g., heart, foot, brain defects). The severity of birth abnormalities can range from moderate to severe. The health of each kid born with a birth defect is mostly determined by which organ or body part is affected and how much it is impacted. A person’s predicted lifespan may or may not be influenced by a birth abnormality, depending on the severity of the issue and which body part is affected.

Here are some common types of birth defects:

  • Visible – Like a birthmark
  • Internal – Ventricular Septal Defect (hole in the heart at the time of birth) or underdeveloped kidney
  • Chemical – Like phenylketonuria (a defect in a chemical reaction that results in developmental delay)

When your baby is born, your healthcare provider will not be able to detect all birth abnormalities instantly at the time of birth. Scoliosis, for example, may not be visible until your child is several months old. It could take years to detect a dysfunctional kidney.

Here is a list of the 10 most common birth defects:

  • Heart defects
  • Cleft lip/palate
  • Down syndrome
  • Spina bifida
  • Anophthalmia / Microphthalmia
  • Anotia/Microtia
  • Congenital Heart Defects
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Neural tube defects like – Anencephaly
  • Upper and Lower Limb Reduction Defects

Here is a list of rare birth defects:

  • Albinism, ocular
  • Albinism, oculocutaneous
  • Dandy-Walker malformation
  • Ehlers Danlos syndrome
  • Epidermolysis bullosa
  • Gorham’s disease etc.
  • Causes of birth defects

Experts aren’t sure what causes most birth defects, but here are a few possibilities:

  • Genetic or inherited factors
  • Infection that occurs during pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy and drug exposure

Can birth defects be Prevented?

While not all birth defects may be prevented, prenatal care and understanding of previous or current disorders can help with the prevention.

Prenatal care is important. Prenatal vitamins with at least 400 mcg of folic acid should be taken daily to help avoid the most common birth defects. If you’re of reproductive age, you should take prenatal vitamins while actively attempting to conceive and/or as soon as you learn you’re pregnant. Avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs, in addition to taking your prenatal vitamin, can significantly reduce the risk of birth defects and pregnancy difficulties.

Awareness of previous or present health conditions is necessary. If you’ve ever had a pregnancy that resulted in a birth defect, it’s crucial to figure out the most likely causes so that your doctor can take preventive steps for your next pregnancy. Spina bifida, for example, is caused by a lack of folate, therefore if you had spina bifida during a previous pregnancy, you can take a high amount of folate to help prevent repeat diagnoses.

Apart from this, you can follow some routine steps for the prevention like:

  • Plan your pregnancy
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet
  • Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and street drugs
  • Get 400mcg of folic acid every day
  • If possible, be sure any medical conditions are under control, before becoming pregnant. Some conditions, such as diabetes, can increase the risk for birth defects.

Treatment of Birth Defects

Children with congenital defects or birth defects may require specialized treatment and care. The therapies for congenital birth defects differ, as the symptoms and causes also vary. Treatments range from medications and therapies to surgeries and assistive devices. Surgery, medications, assistive devices, physical therapy, and speech therapy are all options for the treatment. Children with birth defects may require a wide range of services and may need to see many doctors. The child’s primary health care practitioner can coordinate the child’s special needs, and provide necessary treatment right at the time of birth.

Examples of treatment for different types of birth defects:

  • Prednisone and other steroid drugs can help persons with muscular dystrophy improve muscle strength, ability, and respiratory function. Physical therapy can also be used to increase strength and alleviate weakness.
  • Sensory-motor therapy with Velcro-covered “sticky mittens” can help infants with “snag” and examine objects they can’t hold in their hands.
  • Assistive equipment like orthopedic braces helps limb abnormalities to walk
  • Gene therapy techniques are being tested for a number of genetic problems, in which a mutant or absent gene is replaced with a normal version of the gene.
  • In the Management of Myelomeningocele Study (MOMS), the treatment is done through a surgical procedure to correct a severe form of spina bifida while the fetus is still in the womb.


The last thing an expecting parent wants to hear is that their unborn kid or infant is born with a problem. Although most birth defects are unavoidable, there are some efforts you may do to lessen the likelihood of environmental consequences. Always discuss your concerns with your healthcare professional and follow their recommendations for screening tests, medicines, and other procedures.

What causes Type 1 Childhood Diabetes? Know the signs, symptoms and course of treatment

Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes or diabetes mellitus, is a chronic autoimmune disease in which your pancreas produces little or no insulin. The pancreas is an endocrine gland that controls the amount of sugar in your bloodstream by producing insulin. It also aids in digestion by converting carbohydrates in our food into glucose, which is then pumped into our bloodstream. The glucose is subsequently used as fuel by our cells to power all the functions.

Our cells cannot operate without insulin because of the glucose shortage. Since insulin is a crucial enzyme in our body, its shortage could be dangerous for our body to function properly, especially for children.
When a child is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, it can be stressful, especially at the initial stage. It could come as a shock and the recovery procedure could be a little difficult, so let’s learn more about type 1 childhood diabetes, its diagnosis, and treatment.

What is Type 1 Diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes is a state of illness in which the body’s immune system destroys insulin-making cells in your pancreas. It is also characterized as the body’s inability to produce insulin. This is caused by a condition when the beta cells in the pancreas are destroyed, which further leads to a reduction in insulin production. In the majority of cases in childhood, Diabetes is type 1 diabetes and lives on a lifetime dependence on exogenous insulin. Type 1 diabetes in childhood and adolescence is also known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes. This is because the patient or the child suffering from Type 1 diabetes need insulin injections or insulin pumps to recover.
Childhood diabetes type 2 is similar to type 1, but in this case, your beta cells are destroyed by something other than your immune systems, such as a disease or an injury to your pancreas.

Signs and Symptoms of Childhood Diabetes type 1

The signs of disease could sometimes be subtle, but they can become severe. The early warning signs of childhood diabetes Type 1 are easy to observe and if diagnosed on time, could be treated.

The early signs of childhood diabetes are:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Thirst or dehydration
  • Excessive hunger
  • Nausea and upset stomach
  • The extreme urge to pee
  • Dry mouth
  • Blurred vision
  • Heavy breathing
  • Infections in the skin, urinary tract, or vaginal area
  • irritability or mood swings
  • Stomach ache
  • Shaking and confusion

Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes in Childhood

If you observe any of the above-mentioned symptoms in your child, immediately seek a doctor’s consultation for a childhood diabetes diagnosis. Your doctor, if they suspect type 1 diabetes, will check your blood sugar level. The childhood diabetes test is conducted to test if an individual is suffering from Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. The doctor might even take urine samples, to test the level of glucose produced in case of insulin deficiency in the body.

Type 1 Diabetes Treatment

Type 1 diabetes patients can live long and healthy lives if they follow their doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations properly. Firstly, you need to monitor your child’s blood sugar level timely. The doctor will tell you the level where the results should stick within. As needed, make adjustments to the insulin, food, and activities, to maintain or recover the blood sugar level.

Apart from this, Insulin shots are required for every type 1 diabetic patient to keep their blood sugar under control. There are different types of insulin that are available for patients with type 1 diabetes, which should be taken only under doctors’ prescription and supervision.

The majority of insulin comes in a vial, which is a little glass bottle. This is used with the help of a syringe with a needle on the end to draw the liquid out and inject it into the body as a shot. Some models of insulin shots have a pre-filled pen as well. And the last model of inulin shot is inhaled. It comes in the form of a pump that you wear and this pump injects the insulin in the body via a tube. A doctor’s assistance is necessary for determining the optimal type and delivery technique for the body.

Risk Factors For Childhood Diabetes Type 1

Early childhood diabetes has many risks and complications associated with it, this includes:

Family history – Anyone who has a parent or sibling suffering from type 1 diabetes is at a slightly higher chance of having it.

Genetics – Certain genes have higher chances of type 1 diabetes

Viruses – The autoimmune destruction of islet cells may be triggered by exposure to different viruses. For example – enteroviruses.

Preventing Type 1 Diabetes in Childhood

There is presently no known way to prevent type 1 diabetes, although researchers are working on it. While there is no concrete solution for childhood diabetes prevention, you can still help your child to avoid complications by following these guidelines.

  • You can help your child in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.
  • Help and teach your child to consume a healthy and balanced diet and engage in physical activities like exercise, yoga, meditation, etc.
  • Conduct a monthly health checkup for your child, and an eye test on a yearly basis.


Treatment of Type 1 diabetes in children is necessary, and what is most important is knowing the right way to do it. Remember, every treatment begins from home. Your doctor will help you in the treatment, but only you can help your child to maintain good health. Introduce some lifestyle changes and help your child in maintaining the blood sugar level by taking necessary precautions.

Understand Young-Onset Dementia – Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Dementia is a term that refers to a set of symptoms that impact a person’s memory, reasoning, and social abilities to the point where it interferes with their regular activities. It also affects behaviour, feelings, and relationships with others. Dementia isn’t caused by a single specific disease, but it can be caused by a number of them. Memory loss is a common symptom, however, isn’t always a mark of dementia, but it is generally one of the first symptoms.
Dementia is a serious public health problem that is becoming more prevalent today. The great prevalence of dementia in the elderly, on the other hand, may overshadow the significance of its occurrence in younger people. This is termed Young-onset dementia or in other words ‘dementia at a young age’. Follow through the blog to get more information on causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of young-onset dementia.

What is Young-Onset Dementia?

When symptoms of dementia appear before the age of 65, usually between the ages of 30 and 65, it is referred to as ‘young onset dementia.’ It’s also known as ‘early onset’ or ‘working age’ dementia, but both words are sometimes used interchangeably. Young early-onset dementia means the beginning stages of dementia, while ‘working age’ is becoming less defined as retirement ages became more flexible.

The young-onset dementia age is between 30-65 years, and the youngest dementia age or the youngest age of dementia could be 31 years. (An example of younger onset dementia – Becky Barletta who was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia at the young age of 31 years).

Early signs of young-onset dementia are not often recognized and may be attributed to other factors such as depression, stress, menopause, physical health difficulties, and relationship challenges, as dementia is frequently and incorrectly linked with old age. This can cause a substantial delay in receiving an accurate diagnosis and necessary care (on average four years). This can have a detrimental impact not only on the life of the person with dementia but also on the lives of their entire family.

What are the Causes of Young-onset Dementia?

Dementia is caused by damage to the brain. There could be many causes associated with it like:

The causes of young-onset dementia are similar to the ones in older people. However, some causes, such as frontotemporal dementia (FTD), are more common in children and young adults. The causes of younger onset dementia include:

Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of young-onset dementia, affecting one out of every three people under the age of 65. Proteins clump together in the brain to produce ‘plaques’ and ‘tangles,’ due to which the brain cells die, affecting its functions. Memory loss is less likely to be the first symptom of young-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

Atypical Alzheimer’s disease

An ‘atypical’ form of Alzheimer’s disease is far more common in younger people. The young onsets Alzheimer’s symptoms include:
Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) – Problem with understanding visual information
Logopenic aphasia – Difficulty with language, speaking, and long pauses when they speak
Dysexecutive Alzheimer’s disease – Difficulty in decision making, and socially inappropriate behaviour.

Familial Alzheimer’s disease

Familial Alzheimer’s disease is a type of Alzheimer’s disease that is extremely rare. It is caused by the genetic mutations that run in the family. The youngest age you can get Alzheimer’s is in the ’30s, ’40s, and 50’s. The condition is more likely to be inherited if the symptoms appear early. The youngest age for Alzheimer’s disease is 23 (as evident from a case in Britain).

What are the Symptoms of Young-onset Dementia?

Memory loss may not be one of the first signs of young-onset dementia. Symptoms vary from person to person depending on the type of dementia they have and the regions of the brain they are affected by.

Therefore, the young-onset dementia symptoms may include changes in:

  • Personality
  • Behavior
  • Language
  • Social Functioning
  • Relationships with others
  • Everyday activities
  • Motivation
  • Moods
  • Concentration
  • Decision Making and Problem-solving
  • Vision and Spatial Awareness

These are the signs of Dementia at a young age. Furthermore, the person may not recognize the changes or be hesitant to acknowledge that something is wrong while they are generally healthy, delaying their visit to the doctor.

What do you need to do for Young-onset Dementia?

The family and individuals need to follow through with the following during the problem of dementia:

Early recognition of signs and symptoms

  • Access to the professional helpline
  • Accurate and timely diagnosis
  • Emotional support and counseling
  • Professional advice at the time of diagnosis
  • Age-appropriate information
  • Peer support groups etc.

Early detection and precise diagnosis of dementia, together with appropriate specialized assistance, can help people with young-onset dementia and their families feel less distressed.
It is a good idea to schedule an appointment with a doctor if you have any doubts. Seeing a doctor early on can help to alleviate anxiety and provide answers.

How to Prevent/Treat Dementia?

There is no proper cure for dementia so far. There are, however, remedies and support services available to those suffering from the illness. Drug and non-drug treatments, as well as support, activities, information, and advice, are all easily and readily available for the patients.

There are also non-drug treatments that can be used. Counselling may assist some younger people with dementia with their diagnosis. These sessions can help in coping up with the behavioural changes that a person may face during young-onset dementia. Healthcare practitioners have been successful in assisting patients in maintaining cognitive health, controlling behaviour, and slowing down the progression of the disease. Other things include staying physically active, eating a well-balanced diet, abstaining from smoking, and drinking alcohol in moderation.


The key element in the treatment of young-onset dementia is support. Connecting with support groups can help you find information, acquire a better knowledge of your disease, and learn how to adapt. Always remember that you’re not alone. Support options may differ depending on where you live, but you can always find it whenever you need it. In the early stages make sure that you and your family learn and adapt to the situation and find needful ways to cope with it. With good resources and support the disease is not that big a threat.

7 reasons why you should have a medical checkup on a regular basis?

A few years back, people would seek treatment or consult a doctor only when they were sick. But now, as people become more educated and empowered about their own health, they acknowledge the importance of regular health check-ups. They want to keep a healthy diet, weight, and level of physical activity to reduce their risk of developing certain illnesses or diseases.

Even doctors advise that people should get frequent medical check-ups to maintain their health. Simply going to the doctor for a regular check-up can ensure that you are getting screened and diagnosed for diseases. These examinations could be done quarterly, twice a year, or once a year. These tests can aid in the detection of any potential illnesses or diseases to which you may be vulnerable. Regular check-ups can help you improve your chances of receiving treatment and finding a cure more quickly.

Early detection increases your chances of receiving the best therapy possible and avoiding health-related problems. You’re taking critical steps toward living a longer, healthier life by getting the right health service and treatment.
Do Healthy People Require Full-Body Checkups? As strange as it may sound, everyone, no matter how healthy they are, requires regular health check-ups, to maintain proper health. A full-body checkup, according to medical professionals, is required for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level.

Why you should have a Medical Checkup?

Lower Healthcare costs

Even the best of us shiver at the prospect of a hefty medical bill. It is critical to arrange a regular health screening if one wishes to reduce their accumulated healthcare expenses. It is better to spend a penny and detect the problem early than to pay heavy bills at the time of treatment when it’s too late.

This particular habit of healthcare checkups saves money in the long run. This is because frequent health examinations reduce the risk of developing potentially hazardous health conditions in the future. It can also, in some situations, help to lower the risks of surgery and prevent you from bearing other major medical expenses.

Easier to control the disease at budding stages

Regular medical check-ups helps the doctors in diagnosing any serious disease or condition before it progresses to a more severe stage. These tests are carried out based on a person’s age, sex, medical history, and lifestyle choices. This ensures that an individual is completely tested based on all grounds.

If any problem is detected, doctors even recommend further texts and screening to get to the crux of the problem. So that it could be handled and taken care of at an early stage. These tests can detect diseases earlier, making the treatment procedure easier and thoroughly revised.

Identifies Stress-Related Diseases

We live in a world that moves at breakneck speed, with stressful job schedules and lifestyles. Some of the diseases or ailments in the human body are triggered by stress levels. An increase in stress and anxiety is directly linked to a variety of disorders, on both medical and psychological levels.

Hypertension, high blood pressure, weight gain, mental disorders, Alzheimer’s, depression, asthma, and even gastrointestinal issues are a few examples of the disease associated with stress and anxiety. Regular medical examinations make it easier to diagnose and recognize these issues before they become too serious. Regular check-ups can ensure that you receive the advice and assistance you require from your doctor in order to help you avoid the negative effects of a high-stress lifestyle which even helps in dealing with your mental health issues.

Keeps You Updated About Your Health

Your test results will provide your doctor with all the information they require about your health. They may warn you about any problem and/or offer to advise on how to best maintain your health, depending on your situation. When a problem is recognized early on, it can be treated with minor efforts and issues. If, on the other hand, the illness is discovered at an advanced level, it becomes extremely difficult to control and can even be a significant financial burden for the patient. Regular check-ups are an excellent way to keep informed about what you can do to enhance your health and lower your risk of disease.

Detection of Blood diseases

A blood test is a part of your whole body checkup and is a kinda important one. These procedures are carried out to reduce the possibility of illnesses manifesting inside your blood cells. Cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, anemia, HIV/AIDS, and coronary artery disease are among them. Blood tests also allow doctors to assess the health of numerous body organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart, and thyroid.

Build better rapport with doctors

In the medical field, a general and periodic health checkup is considered a healthy practice. Conducting periodic health checks implies paying more visits to the concerned doctor, which aids in the development of mutual trust. It is necessary to visit and consult the same doctor, in case of regular checkups, as they will know your medical history which will be beneficial in your treatment.

Adaptation of Healthy Habits

In today’s frantic world, it’s not easy or possible for you to find enough time and prepare a proper diet chart in order to stay healthy. Getting a frequent health exam provides you with a good understanding of how to adopt healthier eating habits by letting you know what to eat and what to avoid.
Consulting your doctor and preparing a proper dietary plan is the best way to introduce healthy habits to your lifestyle.


A regular health check-up helps in assessing various health problems, that you might be unaware of yet. If any disease or illness is discovered, the person is made aware of all the lifestyle and medicine modifications that must be made. Incorporating these modifications, including fitness regimens, healthy eating habits, and required safeguards, delivers a slew of benefits to your future lifetime, hence improving it.
We often take our mental and physical health for granted. All it takes is a little extra effort on our part, and our good health is not as far away as one may think.

Why have heart attacks become prevalent in young people?

Heart attack is a concerning problem. But there is something more worrisome: heart attacks are becoming more common among young adults under the age of 40, particularly those in their twenties and thirties. Earlier people above the age of 40 were considered to have the biggest risk of heart attacks, but these days the problem is typically affecting those in the age group of 20-30 years.

As we move ahead in the blog, it’ll educate about heart attack, its causes, and develop a long-term plan to prevent heart attack at an early age.

What is a Heart Attack?

When the blood supply to the heart is cut off, a heart attack occurs. The most common cause of blockage is a buildup of fat, cholesterol, and other chemicals in the arteries that supply blood to the heart, forming plaque. A plaque can burst and generate a clot, obstructing blood flow. Parts of the heart muscle can be damaged or destroyed if blood flow is disrupted.

Although a heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction, can be fatal, therapy has vastly improved over the years. If you think you’re experiencing a heart attack, contact 112 or get emergency medical care right away.

Symptoms of Heart Attack

Below listed are the symptoms associated with a heart attack:

  • Pain or building up pressure in your chest or arms, tightness, or a squeezing or hurting sensation that may move to your neck, jaw, or back.
  • Nausea, indigestion, heartburn, or abdominal pain
  • Breathing problems
  • Sweating
  • Fatigue
  • Sudden dizziness or lightheadedness

Heart attacks Affecting 20-30-year-Olds

Heart attacks were once thought to be an issue for the elderly. A heart attack in someone under the age of 40 was extremely uncommon. One in every five heart attack patients is now under the age of 40.
The most troubling fact is that heart attacks affect more people in their 20s & 30s, as it has become more common at this age. Patients in their 20s and 30s face the same dangers associated with heart attacks. Regardless of your age, you have the same chance of dying from a second major heart event or a stroke after your first heart attack.

Increasing Risk of Diabetes

There’s a reason why heart attacks are so common in young people these days: The increasing risk factor of Diabetes 2. Young people suffering from diabetes have more chances of having death through heart disease/heart attack than those without diabetes. When your blood sugar level is uncontrolled to stay at a healthy level, it leads to heart problems. High blood sugar harms blood vessels, increasing the risk of lipids accumulating in arteries and causing atherosclerosis.

Patients with diabetes are also more likely to have other chronic health conditions, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which raise the risk of a heart attack.

Type 2 diabetes is caused by a number of factors, which includes:

  • Obesity and weight gain
  • Reduced physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle
  • Unhealthy dietary choices
  • Increasing risk of Hypertension in young people

One of the most critical risk factors for cardiovascular disease is hypertension or high blood pressure. Unfortunately, the incidence of hypertension has become more prevalent in young adults than in older people. High blood pressure causes heart muscle thickening, damages blood arteries, and raises the risk of a heart attack.

Overweight and Obesity

Increased weight or obesity has a major contribution in increasing the chances of a heart attack in younger people. Excess weight puts a lot of strain on your heart. Even if you’re healthy, obesity is the factor that can increase the chances of a heart attack. Patients who are overweight or obese, on the other hand, are more likely to have additional health problems that affect their heart health, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

Among the many factors that contribute to heart attacks in young adults, smoking cigarettes is one of the most prominent causes. The quantity of cigarettes you smoke raises your chance of a heart attack. When compared to nonsmokers, smoking one pack every day more than doubles your risk of a heart attack. The same applies to e-cigarettes, nicotine and other harmful substances in e-cigarettes speed up your heart rate and elevate your blood pressure.

Other unhealthy habits

Health practitioners are still researching the effect of marijuana on your heart. But it is also known that it boosts your heart rate and raises the risk of a heart attack. The same is the problem with cocaine, it increases heart rate, hardens the blood vessels, and raises blood pressure. These are the problems associated with heart attacks.


Heart attack is a concerning factor for young adults, but it can be prevented by introducing a healthy and productive lifestyle. You can do this by making lifestyle changes and taking proper medications whenever required to maintain your health. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, control cholesterol, and keep yourself healthy. As an adult there is so little you can do to keep yourself healthy. Introduce a healthy lifestyle and prevent the danger of heart attack.

All about Omicron Virus – How dangerous is the New COVID-19 Variant?

Omicron Virus was first detected in Botswana and South Africa, when it was reported to WHO on November 24th. Scientists and public health experts are concerned about this new coronavirus variant. This new variant is said to be more transmissible and less detectable as the virus has an unusually high number of mutations.

Omicron Virus is a new strain of the virus that causes COVID-19, also known as B.1.1.529. The World Health Organization has labelled the Omicron virus a “variant of concern”. This variant has a large number of mutations and some of which are quite concerning. The variant is highly transmissible and has been detected at higher rates as compared to the other variants.

The organization has warned about the possibility of worldwide hazards as the new variant contains the factor of high risk. So far, the Omicron cases have been found in 20 nations, including India, the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

What makes omicron different from other variants?

Scientists all over the world are working to comprehend the Omicron variant of Covid-19. This variant is thought to be more hazardous than other variants of COVID-19. Also, according to WHO, it is not sure if Omicron is a more severe disease as compared to other variants. Yet, vaccination is important in minimizing the effect of this new variant.

Omicron has a higher risk of reinfection than other variations of concern, but, information is very little or scarce. The variant carries higher chances of reinfection, i.e. people who previously had COVID have a higher risk of getting infected with Omicron.

Not enough information has been gathered about this new variant, however, reinfections are likely but vaccinated people have fewer chances of developing serious disease.

What are the symptoms to watch out for?

symptoms of omricon

The symptoms associated with Omicron are very similar to previous COVID variants but also differ slightly.

Most Common Symptoms

Fever, cough, weariness, and loss of taste or smell are the most prevalent symptoms of the novel COVID Variant Omicron.

Less Common Symptoms

Sore throat, headache, aches, pains, diarrhoea, a rash on the skin, red or inflamed eyes, and discolouration of fingers or toes are some of the less common symptoms of the novel COVID Variant Omicron.

Serious Symptoms

The novel COVID Variant “Omicron” causes serious symptoms such as trouble breathing or shortness of breath, loss of speech, immobility, ambiguity, and chest pain.
Note – If anyone experiences these symptoms they should immediately consult a doctor and urgently take a COVID test.

What precautions should we take?

covid precautions

According to the Union Government, people should not be alarmed and should instead practice COVID-19-appropriate behaviour and be vaccinated as soon as possible. While experts predict that more information on Omicron will become available in the coming weeks, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issued a FAQ to help citizens understand what the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is and what precautions they should take to prevent the stain from spreading.

It is assumed that the precautions and actions to be taken are the same as they were previously. It’s critical to keep your mask on, get completely vaccinated (if not already vaccinated), maintain social distance, and get good ventilation.

How quickly could it spread?

The quick rise of Omicron in South Africa is what researchers are most concerned about, as it shows the mutation could induce a surge in COVID-19 cases elsewhere. Considering the rise in COVID-19 cases and the gathered data, it could be said that Omicron can affect three to six times as many people as Delta and in the same time period. Researchers are actively watching the Omicron spread in other parts of South Africa and all over the world to get a better understanding of its transmissible ability.

Does Omicron cause more severe illness?

Latest reports depict Omicron as a modest or less severe disease. There are chances that this variant will be milder than the previous ones. However, no confirmation is received about this data and prediction. In comparison to the Delta version, which triggered the second wave of coronavirus in the country, the Omicron variant is predicted to cause three times more reinfections. But it can be said that this variant is less dangerous than other variants and is much more likely to be prevented through vaccination.

Will the Covid-19 Omicron variant cause the third wave in India?

As the fast-spreading Omicron makes its way into India, it’s impossible not to wonder if there will be a third wave of Covid-19. And, if that’s the case, is India ready? The second wave of the coronavirus pandemic has hit India hard. However, it is too early to conclude that the Omicron variety will result in the third wave of COVID-19 in the country.
The majority of Indians have antibodies against the fatal virus, and four-fifths of all people have already been partially vaccinated hence, it is unlikely that majority of the Indians will be infected. Furthermore, given India’s rapid vaccination rate and significant exposure to the delta form, the disease’s severity is expected to be minimal.


The central government has advised people not to be alarmed by the new strain and has also stressed the importance of public awareness. The Indian government is keeping a close eye on the situation and issuing appropriate directives as needed.

The precautionary measures and arrangements may also provide greater assistance. It depends highly on the behavioural patterns of the public towards the Omicron virus and its mutants. Stay at home, follow doctor’s advice, maintain distance and help the nation to overcome the impact of the Third wave of COVID-19.

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