Do you know what Influenza is? Is this a viral infection?

Influenza is a virus that affects your respiratory system, which includes your nose, throat, and lungs. The majority of the infected people, recover from the flu on their own. Human-infecting influenza viruses are divided into three categories: A, B, and C.

Type A influenza infection can be dangerous, resulting in widespread sickness and outbreaks. However, influenza and its consequences might be fatal in some cases if not taken properly care of.

The following category of people are at a higher risk of getting influenza:

  • Children under the age of five, particularly those under the age of six months, are vulnerable.
  • Adults over 65 years old
  • Nursing home and other long-term care facility residents
  • Women who are pregnant or who have given birth within two weeks
  • Individuals with weak immune systems
  • Chronic sickness sufferers, such as those with asthma, heart disease, renal disease, liver disease, and diabetes
  • Obese people

What Causes Influenza?

When someone with influenza coughs, sneezes, or talks, the virus spreads through the air. A person might directly inhale the virus in the air or one can also pick up germs from an object (such as a phone or computer keyboard) and then transmit it into their bodies through the eyes, nose, mouth, etc.

People infected with the virus are likely contagious from the day before symptoms begin to five days after they appear. Children and others with compromised immune systems may remain contagious for a longer period of time.

If you’ve already had influenza chances are, your body has already produced antibodies to combat the strain of the virus. If future influenza viruses are similar to those you’ve already encountered, either through infection or vaccination, those antibodies may help prevent or minimize the severity of infection.

Types of Influenza

The four types of Influenza viruses are – A, B, C & D. influenza A, and B viruses cause seasonal epidemics of illness (known as flu season) practically in the winter. The only influenza viruses known to generate pandemics or worldwide outbreaks of flu, are influenza A viruses. Infections with the influenza C virus usually cause only mild disease and are not thought to create human epidemics. Influenza D viruses are mostly found in cattle and are not known to infect or sicken humans.

Symptoms Of Influenza

The flu may appear to be a normal cold at first, with a runny nose, sneezing, and a sore throat. Colds, on the other hand, normally take time to develop, whereas the flu strikes rapidly. And, while a cold might be a bit irritating, the influenza flu usually makes you feel much worse.

The following are some of the most common flu signs and symptoms:
  • Fever
  • Muscle aches
  • Sweats and chills
  • Headache
  • Coughing that is dry and persistent
  • Breathing problems
  • Weakness and exhaustion
  • A stuffy or runny nose
  • Throat irritation
  • Pain in the eyes
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea are common in children, but they are less prevalent in adults.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Everyone over the age of six months should get a flu vaccine every year. The flu vaccine can reduce your risk of getting the flu and its severity, as well as your chances of developing a serious illness as a result of some existing illness.

At this time the flu vaccination is especially crucial because flu and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) share some common symptoms. The flu vaccine may help to minimize symptoms that are similar to those caused by COVID-19. The number of patients who need to stay in the hospital could be reduced if the flu could be prevented. The seasonal flu vaccine protects against four influenza viruses that are projected to be the most prevalent during the flu season. The flu vaccinations are also available as an injection and a nasal spray.

You can also do the following to prevent the spread of the influenza virus:
  • Wash your hands properly
  • Avoid touching your face frequently
  • Properly cover your coughs and sneezes
  • Avoid contact with the crowd

When to Consult a Doctor?

The majority of individuals who have the flu can treat it at home and do not need to see a doctor. If you have flu symptoms and are concerned about complications, make an appointment with your doctor very once. Antiviral medications can help shorten the duration of your sickness and prevent more serious complications. If you’re experiencing flu-like symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Emergency signs and symptoms in adults may include:

Difficulty in breathing
Chest pain
Worsening of other existing medical conditions
Severe weakness, fatigue or muscle pain

Emergency signs and symptoms in children may include:

Breathing problems
Lips turning blue
Pain in the chest
Muscle aches and pains
Extensive deterioration of pre-existing medical conditions


Small steps of prevention on your part can help minimize a bigger problem. Influenza is a common disease and its remedy is also available, but it also becomes fatal if it keeps increasing. Hence, proper medication, self-care, and prevention are necessary to reduce the pandemic that could be caused as an effect of the spread of Influenza.

What exactly is a hypochondriac? Is it a Mental Disorder?

Hypochondria or hypochondriasis also called illness anxiety disorder, have an irrational fear of developing a significant medical disease or being at high risk of being ill. They could misunderstand normal body functions and activities as symptoms of sickness. For example, people can believe that a simple sneeze is an indication that they have a terrible disease.

A hypochondriac is fixated on the concept that he/she is dangerously unwell, even after several medical tests with normal reports. The constant health concerns might cause problems in their relationships, professions, and personal lives.

The terms hypochondria and health anxiety may very familiar. Illness anxiety disorder is currently a term used by healthcare providers. People who suffer from illness anxiety disorder are unable to control their emotions. However, they are keenly aware of their problem.

Types of Hypochondriasis?

A person suffering from hypochondriasis usually falls into one of the following categories:

Care-seeking – The sufferers spend a lot of time in a hospital looking for help. They constantly need medical consultations and regular health checkups for themselves.

Care-avoidant – They generally avoid doctors and medical help. They couldn’t trust doctors and believed that the doctors are paying them proper attention.

What Causes Hypochondriasis?

Experts and practitioners don’t exactly know the crux of the development of this problem in people. However, if you have a family history of any of the following, you may be more susceptible to Hypochondriasis:

  • Child abuse or neglect, for example, can cause childhood trauma.
  • Extreme stress
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Rape or physical or emotional abuse
  • Health fears or other anxiety disorders

Symptoms of Hypochondriasis

A Hypochondriac sets an unrealistic assumption that they are severely ill. The illness(es) that they are concerned about frequently changes. It is a type of mental illness. It usually begins in early adulthood and may appear when the individual or someone they know has been diagnosed with a major medical condition or has lost a loved one to a catastrophic medical condition. A psychiatric disease such as panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or serious depression affects about two-thirds of hypochondriacs.

Symptoms of hypochondria can vary depending on a number of circumstances, including stress, age, and whether or not the person is already a chronic worrier.

Hypochondriasis has the following symptoms:

  • Fear of places or people due to the fear of catching a disease or infection
  • Researching diseases and symptoms on a regular basis.
  • Exaggerating symptoms and their severity (for instance, a cough becomes a sign of lung cancer).
  • Anxiety about one’s own health
  • Obsession with normal body functions like heart rate.
  • Oversharing your symptoms and health condition with others
  • Take your blood pressure or temperature on a regular basis to look for indicators of sickness.

Hypochondriac Treatment

When a person goes to the doctor at the first sign of a small illness, their doctor may not take them seriously. However, the person is just concerned about their own health. Sometimes, some doctors may take advantage of the patient’s anxieties by ordering unnecessary tests in order to calm them down. This clearly wastes both, the patient’s time and resources. In such cases, self-help becomes a necessity.

Following are the ways in which a person can treat themselves, or calm themselves during illness anxiety:

  • Learning stress management
  • Applying relaxation techniques
  • Avoiding looking up the possible causes of your symptoms on the internet
  • Avoiding alcohol and recreational drugs, which can exacerbate anxiety
  • Understanding your body and its basic function
  • Make an appointment with a primary healthcare physician
  • Only get necessary tests (set a limit to tests)

It’s worth mentioning that many people refuse to admit that anxiety is a factor in their symptoms. As a result, they are less likely to seek mental health treatment. Hypochondriacs are often so resistant to the idea that they have anxiety that it requires support from their family and loved ones to convince them that they need care.


  • Excessive worrying can irritate others, which can lead to relationship or family issues.
  • Workplace performance issues or frequent absences
  • Problems with day-to-day functioning, possibly leading to impairment
  • Excessive health-care visits and medical bills have caused financial difficulties.
  • Other mental health conditions, such as somatic symptom disorder, various anxiety disorders, depression, or a personality disorder


Being a hypochondriac and experiencing health anxiety can be debilitating. It can severely affect the lives of the people who suffer from it. If you’re suffering from anxiety seek professional advice, learn to recognize your stress and its effects on your body, and stick to your treatment plan. Take care of your body, take care of yourself.


The Importance of Maintaining Physical Activity in Later Life

We’ve heard many times before, that physical activity and exercise are good for health. Numerous studies have demonstrated the major health benefits of exercise, which grow even more vital as we age. Seniors who engage in regular physical activity and exercise improve their mental and physical health, which will help them preserve their mobility and body stamina as they age.

Physical activities can help you avoid a lot of the health issues that appear to come with getting older. It also aids muscle growth, allowing you to carry out your routine activities without becoming reliant on others. Elder people with critical health conditions should be aware of whether and how their illnesses limit their capacity to engage in regular physical activity safely. When chronic conditions prevent elderly people from doing 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week (for example, 30 minutes 5 days a week), they should be as physically active as their abilities and conditions allow.

Let’s look at some of the benefits related to maintaining physical activity in later life:

Disease Prevention through Exercise

Regular physical activity help in preventing a variety of ailments, including heart disease and diabetes. Exercise boosts overall immune function, which is especially crucial for seniors whose immune systems are frequently weakened. Even light activity, such as walking, can be an effective aid in the management of avoidable diseases.

Improves Mental Health

Exercising has numerous mental health benefits. Endorphins (the “feel good” hormone) are released during exercise and work as a stress reliever, leaving you feeling pleased and satisfied at the time. In addition, exercise has been related to increasing sleep, which is especially essential for older persons who typically suffer from insomnia and irregular sleep patterns. In short physical activities does not only positively impact your physique but also your mental health.

Stiff and Strong Body

Falls are more common among older persons, which can be terrible because of their inability to maintain balance. Hence, physical activity provides firmness to their body. increases strength and flexibility, which helps with balance and coordination, lowering the chance of falling. Falls take far longer for seniors to recover from, so everything that will help them avoid them in the first place is essential.

Social Life and Engagement

Exercise can be turned into an enjoyable social event by joining a walking group, attending group fitness courses, or visiting a gardening club. For ageing folks to retain a sense of purpose and avoid emotions of loneliness or sadness, they must maintain strong social links. Above all, choose an activity that you enjoy, and it will never feel like a chore again.

Improved Cognitive Abilities

Cognitive function is aided by regular physical activity and this is achieved through the movement of the body and the brain. Numerous studies show that physically active people have a lower risk of dementia, regardless of when they start a routine. When you engage your body in physical activity you release all toxins and find it really refreshing and relaxing. This gives your brain space and time to relax, leading to improved cognitive abilities.

Other Importance of Physical Activity

  • Gives you energy
  • Can lift up your mood and fight depression
  • Improves strength and helps you stay independent

How to Start?

Throughout the day, older folks should move more and sit less. Remember that any amount of physical activity is preferable to none. There are some health benefits for older persons who sit less and engage in moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity. Your health benefits will also rise as you increase your physical activity. In other words, you can simply start by making random movements throughout your day and keeping your body flexible. Slowly and gradually increase your activities and turn them into proper exercise or routine physical activity.

It is safe to exercise for most persons over the age of 65. Patients with chronic conditions can exercise safely as well. Ask your doctor if you’re not sure if exercise is safe for you or if you’re currently sedentary.

Simple Physical Activities

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Park your vehicle a little far from your destination so that you get to walk a little
  • Walking or cycling instead of driving.
  • Walk your dog.
  • Work in the yard.
  • Do little sitting exercises while watching TV


For elder age people, who have less stamina and working capacity, engaging in at least a minimum of 150 minutes a week could also be beneficial. Physical activities are good for people of all ages, and it’s just better when you start prioritizing it. We hope that, regardless of your age, this will inspire you to incorporate physical activity or exercise into your daily routine.

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