कोरोना वैक्सीन (Corona Vaccine) और इससे जुडी कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बातें

देश में तेजी से बढ़ते कोरोना संक्रमण के बीच 1 मई से 18 वर्ष से अधिक उम्र के सभी लोगों को वैक्सीन लगनी शुरू हो जाएगी। इसके लिए कोविन पाॅर्टल, अरोग्यसेतु एप के माध्यम से वैक्सीन स्लाॅट बुकिंग के लिए रजिस्ट्रेशन भी शुरू हो गए हैं। आप उपरोक्त के माध्यम से वैक्सीन लगवाने के लिए रजिस्ट्रेशन कर सकते है। रजिस्ट्रेशन निशुल्क है। हालांकि पहले ही दिन पाॅर्टल पर रजिस्ट्रेशन करवाने वाले लोगों की संख्या ज्यादा होने से वेबसाइट क्रेश होने तक की खबरें भी आई थी। ऐसे में कईं लोगों के स्लाॅट बुक नहीं हो सके थे। लेकिन आप निरन्तर वेबसाइट पर चैक करते रहे, जैसे ही स्लाॅट उपलब्ध होंगे आपका रजिस्ट्रेशन हो जाएगा।

वैक्सीन को कोरोना (Corona) से लड़ाई में महत्वपूर्ण माना जा रहा है। यह न सिर्फ संक्रमण के खतरे को कम करती है बल्कि हमारी रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को भी बढ़ाती है। हालांकि कुछ मामलों में दोनों डोज लेने के बावजूद कोराना संक्रमित होने की खबरें भी आई है।

कोरोना वैक्सीन क्या है ? (What is Corona Vaccine)

वैक्सीन में किसी जीव के कुछ ऐसे कमज़ोर या निष्क्रिय अंश होते हैं जो ही बीमारी का कारण बनते हैं। ये शरीर की रोग प्रतिरोधक रक्षा प्रणाली को संक्रमण व वायरस की पहचान करने के लिए प्रेरित करते हैं। वैक्सीन ऐसे वायरस के खिलाफ हमारे शरीर में एंटीबॉडी बनाती है जो बाहरी हमले से लड़ने में हमारे शरीर की मदद करती हैं।

वर्तमान में केन्द्र सरकार द्वारा दो प्रकार की वैक्सीन (Vaccine) लगवाई जा रही है, जिनके नाम इस प्रकार है।

भारत बायोटेक द्वारा निर्मित – कोवैक्सीन (Covaxin)
सीरम इंस्टीट्यूट द्वारा निर्मित – कोविशील्ड (Covishield)

इन दो वैक्सीन्स के अलावा रूसी वैक्सीन स्पुत्निक वी का भी आने वाले दिनों में उपयोग शुुरू हो जाएगा।

क्या वैक्सीन (Vaccine) लगवाने के बाद भी कोरोना हो सकता है?

covid vaccination info hindi

वैक्सीन लगवाने के बाद भी कोरोना संक्रमण से इनकार नहीं किया जा सकता है। देश में ऐसे कुछ मामले रिकाॅर्ड हुए हैं जिनमें वैक्सीन लगवाने के बाद भी लोगों के संक्रमित होने की जानकारी सामने आई है लेकिन वैक्सीन लगवाने के बाद संक्रमण व बीमारी का खतरा सामान्य बना रहता है। वैक्सीन लगवाने के बाद आप जल्दी ठीक हो सकते हैं। वैक्सीन हमें जानलेवा कोरोना से बचाती है। ऐसे में वैक्सीन जरूर लगवानी चाहिए।

पहला डोज लेने के बाद वैक्सीन (Vaccine) का दूसरा डोज कब लें ?

वैक्सीन का पहला डोज लेने के बाद दूसरा डोज लेना इस बात पर निर्भर करता है कि आपके कौनसी वैक्सीन लगी है। अगर आपके कोवैक्सीन (Covaxin) लगी है तो आप कावैक्सीन (Covaxin) का ही दूसरा डोल 28 से 42 दिनों के बीच ले सकते हैं। अगर आपके कोविशील्ड (Covishield) लगी है तो आप कोविशील्ड (Covishield) की ही दूसरी डोज 28 से 56 दिनों के बीच ले सकते हैं।

कोरोना वैक्सीन (Corona Vaccine) के साइड इफेक्ट्स

कोरोना की वैक्सीन लगवाने के बाद लोगों के शरीर पर अलग-अलग प्रकार के प्रभाव व लक्षण देखे जा सकते हैं। इसमें मुख्यतः हल्का बुखार, कमजोरी, जोड़ों में दर्द, शरीर में पानी की कमी आदि प्रमुख है। हालांकि ये लक्षण ठीक भी हो जाते हैं। वहीं, कुछ लोगों के शरीर पर किसी भी प्रकार के लक्षण नहीं दिखते हैे। अगर वैक्सीन लगवाने के बाद आपको हल्का बुखार आता है तो आप चिकित्सकीय परामर्श ले सकते हैं।

किन लोगों को कोरोना वैक्सीन (Corona Vaccine) नहीं लगवानी चाहिए?

इंडियाडाॅटकाॅम ने भारत बायोटेक के हवाले से लिखा है कि ऐसे लोगों को कोवैक्सीन नहीं लगवानी चाहिए जो लोग ऐसी दवाइयां ले रहे हैं जिससे उनकी इम्यूनिटी पर असर पड़ता है। साथ ही प्रेग्नेंट महिलाओं, ब्रेस्ट फीडिंग करवाने वाली महिलाओं को भी कोवैक्सीन नहीं लगवानी चाहिए क्योंकि इन पर वैक्सीन की स्टडीज नहीं की गई है। साथ ही जिन लोगों को कोविशील्ड (Covishield) में मौजूद इंग्रीडिएंट से एलर्जी है तो उन लोगों को भी कोविशील्ड (Covishield) वैक्सीन Vaccine नहीं लगवानी चाहिए। पहली डोज लगाने के बाद एलर्जी होने पर भी दूसरी वैक्सीन नहीं लगवानी चाहिए।

कोरोना से बचाव के सामान्य उपाय क्या है?

कोरोना से बचाव के सामान्य उपाय यही है कि आप संक्रमण से दूर रहने के लिए सरकार की गाइडलाइन यथा व्यवस्थित मास्क लगाना, निश्चित सामाजिक दूरी की पालना करना, भीड़भाड़ वाली जगहों पर जाने से बचना, बार-बार साबुन से हाथ धोना, सार्वजनिक जगहों पर नहीं थूंकना व वैक्सीन लगवाने से इस संक्रमण से बचा जा सकता है।

उदयपुर में किन सरकारी सेन्टर्स पर वैक्सीन लगेगी?

उदयपुर में करीब 50 से ज्यादा सेन्टर्स पर कोरोना की वैक्सीन लगाई जा रही है। इनमें सरकारी पीएचसी, सीएचसी सहित निजी अस्पताल भी शामिल है। आप कोविन एप पर वैक्सीन के लिए रजिस्ट्रेशन के दौरान आपके वैक्सीन लगावाने का की तारीख और केन्द्र का चुनाव कर सकते हैं। साथ ही एक बार रजिस्ट्रेशन के साथ आप परिवार के चार अन्य सदस्यों को भी वैक्सीन के लिए जोड़ सकते हैं।

इसके अलावा उदयपुर संभाग के कुछ खास अस्पतालों में भी वैक्सीन लगाई जाएगी। यह अस्पताल कोरोना जागरूकता को लेकर भी विशेष काम कर रहे हैं। उदयपुर के सेक्टर 4 स्थित डॉ.चौधरी हाॅस्पीटल भी कोरोना जागरूकता को लेकर काम कर रहा है। सोशल मीडिया के माध्यम से डॉ.चौधरी हाॅस्पीटल ने कोरोना के प्रति जागरूकता में बड़ी भूमिका निभाई है। डॉ.चौधरी हाॅस्पीटल को कोरोना रोगियों का इलाज भी किया जा रहा है। डॉ.चौधरी हाॅस्पीटल में वर्तमान में 45 वर्ष से अधिक उम्र के लोगों को कोरोना वैक्सीन लगाई जा रही है। 1 मई के बाद से ही डॉ.चौधरी हाॅस्पीटल में भी 18 वर्ष से अधिक उम्र के लोगों को वैक्सीन लगनी शुरू हो जाएगी।

When should a woman start seeing a gynecologist?

Women’s intimate health problems have been long ignored by society. In many nations of the world, women don’t even have access to primary intimate healthcare and sanitation facilities. Intimate health is a health factor that should not be avoided at all, especially in women. It is the parents’ duty to introduce their child to intimate health care and gynecologist methods.

A gynecologist is a doctor specializing in female reproductive health. Gynecology doctors help in diagnosing and treating the problems of the female reproductive tract. Parts of the female body such as the Uterus, Fallopian tubes, ovaries, and breasts are treated under gynecology.

Up to a certain age, it is ok to receive basic healthcare from the family doctor, pediatrician, or internist. Still, when the child attains the age of 13 to 15 or whenever she starts menstruating, it becomes more than necessary to schedule the first visit with the gynecologist.
The first visit to the gynecologist is crucial. The gynecology doctor should be able to establish trust enabling the patient to open up about the issues.

Let us know what to expect on your First Gynecology Visit.

What to expect on the first gynecologist visit?

gynecologist visit

The first gynecologist appointment is just like any other regular doctor visit. It first starts with basic talks about the patient’s health, medical history, ailments, pre-existing conditions, and general talks about how the patient feels about her health. The doctor may ask questions about the patient’s sexual history. At first, it might feel weird talking about everything so intimate, but it is necessary to open up about any problems or medical history the patient has. Most gynecologists are well trained at comforting their patients, so opening up with the gynecologist doctor must not be a problem.

If the doctor can conclude an expected presence of a medical condition that can cause trouble, in that case, the patient might need to undergo a pelvic examination, where different samples are taken from the patient’s pelvic area to examine the presence of any severe medical conditions.

If the patient is under the age of 21 years, it is not necessary to undergo a pelvic exam. For women above the age of 21 years, it is recommended to get a pelvic exam even when there is a low possibility of severe medical conditions.

If the patient is on period, it is better to reschedule the appointment as there can be several complications during the examination of the patient. Women are also advised to take someone with them during the visit as it can help them to maintain calm.

Asking questions regarding gynecology diseases and problems is one of the primary purposes of a gynecological visit. You may ask questions regarding the following:

What questions to ask your gynecologist?

gynecologist in udaipur

Asking more questions to your gynecologist helps you to trust better in the doctor and also in getting a better idea about your health issues and how to take better self-care. Here are a few questions you can ask your gynecologist on your first visit:

  • Why are my periods so heavy?

There is a thin line between something being normal or extraordinary. If you are experiencing heavy bleeding for weeks, so much that you almost need to double the number of sanitary pads and tampons you use, then it can be a sign of severe health conditions. If you have unbearable cramps for long hours and frequent headaches, this can also be a sign of underlying health conditions. You can convey your condition to the gynecologist for a precise answer and solution.

  • What is the normal amount of Vaginal discharge?

A slight amount of clear or milky-looking discharge is just fine as the body tends to flush out dead cells through that. Still, if you are getting frequent discharges, with highly unpleasant odors and unusual colors, it indicates some gynecology disease and you should ask your gynecologist doctor about it.

  • Why is sex painful to me?

During intercourse, a slight feeling of pain is appropriate, but if you are having a tremendous amount of pain, then you must ask your gynecologist about that. Sometimes, pain can be caused due to lack of lubrication due to no foreplay, which can be solved using lubricants, but if that’s not the reason, then asking your gynecologist will surely help.

  • Why do I leak urine while laughing, coughing, or sneezing?

This is a common condition among many women and is often underreported. The condition is called Urinary Incontinence (UI). There are several types to it. Asking your gynecologist about UI will help you determine your type and solve the problem as well with the help of several exercises and medications in some cases.

  • Why does my Vagina or pelvis feel heavy?

A feeling of pressure or heaviness in the vagina or pelvis can be a sign of organ prolapse. This happens when an organ falls from its normal place. It is a serious condition and needs immediate medical attention. Asking the gynecologist about the condition may help in diagnosing and solving the issue.

Asking the above questions or any other questions can lead to many discoveries about your body and medical conditions. Let us now also know about what conditions a gynecologist can treat.

Common gynecological problems

gynecological problems

While gynecologist doctors are able to treat many problems related to the reproductive organs and intimate areas, there are few problems that occur more frequently than the rest, these are:

  • PCOD or Polycystic Ovarian Disease

PCOD is a widespread problem where women have complications and menstruating and conceiving.

  • Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs, which appear on the ovary’s surface, these generally disappear in some time, but if they don’t, they can cause many complications.

  • Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a painful condition where the tissue generally lining the uterus’s inner surface starts growing outside the uterus.

  • Dysmenorrhea

Dysmenorrhea, commonly referred to as period cramps, is a common issue, but if it’s severe, it requires medical attention.

  • Urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections are common among women. These can cause several complications and pain in various regions of the pelvic portion.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Chaudhary Hospital, Udaipur

hospital in udaipur

Obstetrics deals with issues related to childbirth, pregnancy, and postpartum period whereas gynecology treats problems related to female reproductive organs’ health (Vagina, Uterus, Ovaries, Fallopian tubes). The department of gynecology and obstetrics at Chaudhary hospital, Udaipur, has a qualified team of the best obstetricians and gynecologists in Udaipur. We are dedicated to women’s well-being and provide treatment for all gynecological diseases and problems. We also have excellent efficiency in obstetric services.

Our labor room is located nearby the Operation theatre, where all the emergency services related to gynecology and obstetrics are provided, 24 hours a day, every day. One of the leading hospitals in Udaipur, we work with dedication and compassion to provide our patients with the best medical care and assistance.

Pediatric Surgery: An Overview & Treatments Available in Udaipur

Pediatric surgery is a special form of medical treatment related to surgeries among infants, children, and adolescents. In the 20th century, pediatric surgery surfaced because the surgical procedure of birth defects needed noble techniques. Pediatric surgery is a separate specialty. The surgeons and the doctors need to be extremely careful while dealing with their patients. Their patients are not full-grown adults who understand the procedure and the pain they might need to go through but are children who have different physiology and psychology.

Pediatric surgery is a complex process and phase for the child but more than that for the parents. Seeing your children go through the suffering and letting them undergo complex medical procedures is a huge challenge in itself.

Pediatric operations have different effects on different children; the child needs better counseling from the parents and the doctor before getting into any kind of procedure. There are many kinds of pediatric surgeries which are generally related to urological, gynecological, cardiothoracic, and general issues.

Before proceeding further with the surgical procedure, the child needs to be appropriately examined for any other pre-existing conditions or ailments that can cause trouble or complications. An excellent pediatrician for children is able to detect and solve these problems at ease.

The various categories in which pediatric surgeries have been divided are described below:

What are the different types of pediatric surgeries?

Pediatric surgeries are divided into four categories. The doctor needs to understand better the need and perfect time for the surgery of their child. The four categories are:

  • Major surgeries: The surgeries related to head, neck, chest, and some abdominal operations are called major surgeries. These surgeries have complex procedures and need to be planned properly. These surgeries have a more extended recovery period and have longer hospitalization time. Pediatric operations like tumor removal from the central nervous system, congenital heart defects are included in this category. Other procedures like correction of skull malformations, gastrointestinal surgeries, etc., are included in this.
  • Minor Surgeries: Minor pediatric surgeries are the one which includes less complicated procedures and have shorter recovery times. The Minor pediatric surgical procedures include removal of excess skin, biopsies, and correction of long bone fractures. The chances of complications in these types of surgeries are close to zero only. The children are generally allowed to go home the same day or at a comparatively lesser time.
  • Elective surgeries: Elective surgeries are the types of surgeries that can be avoided for an extended period of time. These are the ones where the child does not necessarily need to be operated on. The surgeon can postpone the dates according to convenience, for example, the surgical procedure of circumcision in boys.
  • Urgent Surgeries: These are Surgeries that need to be performed immediately, without which the child won’t be able to survive. These include fatal injuries caused during accidents or congenital heart diseases at the time of birth. A minor delay in these procedures can cost a life.

Now that we know about the different types of pediatric surgeries let us know about the 10 most common pediatric surgeries.

What are the most common Pediatric Surgical Conditions?

pediatrician in udaipur

These are the 10 most commonly performed pediatric operations:

  1. Cancer treatments: Various types of cancers related to the liver, lungs, and other organs and parts of the body can nowadays be found among children.
  2. Appendectomy: When the appendix becomes infected or painful, it needs to be removed.
  3. Gallbladder surgery: The Gallbladder can get infected due to a stone or a virus, this can be extremely painful for the child, and surgery for the removal needs to be performed.
  4. Bowed Chest: This condition occurs when the breast bone and the ribs of the child grow disproportionately.
  5. Biliary Atresia: This is a defect caused during the time of birth where the bile duct fails to empty properly.
  6. Congenital diseases: Also called birth defects, congenital disorders, develop prenatally and may be identified before or at birth, or later in life. Many organs can be deformed due to these diseases. The surgeon needs to reconstruct such organs and prescribe pediatric medicine for a quicker recovery of the child.
  7. Bariatric Surgery: A treatment for childhood obesity which includes the insertion of a balloon inside the oesophagus to reduce the appetite.
  8. Diseased Intestines: At the time of birth, the cells of the child’s intestines can be severely damaged and this might need the surgical treatment of removal of diseased intestines.
  9. Reproductive defects: The child can suffer from congenital disabilities in the reproductive organs, and a surgical procedure might be needed as a solution.
  10. Imperforate Anus: Many children are born with the anal opening being at the wrong place. This needs to be corrected with the help of surgery to allow the waste material to pass through the bowel.

We know that it is a difficult phase for a child when undergoing pediatric surgeries, and the child can be frightened of this. The child needs to be consoled properly before any procedure. Here is a better guide on how to explain pediatric surgery to your child.

How to prepare your child before pediatric surgery?

Pediatrics in udaipur
Before the surgery, the child can have many questions and queries regarding the surgery. It would be better if you don’t hide anything from the child as everyone likes to get the right and true answers. Before the surgery, the parents can tell the child about all the required information about the surgery.

The child may also be allowed to have a few or more than a few words with the pediatric surgeon or the pediatrician before the surgery as this will help them to better trust the surgeon and calm themselves.

These were some methods that can help you better deal with your child before a pediatric surgery.

Department of Pediatrics at Dr. Chaudhary Hospital

chaudhary hospital

Established in 2005, Dr. Chaudhary Hospital, Udaipur is Rajasthan’s most trusted multi-specialty hospital. The doctors at the hospital are qualified professionals with years of experience helping patients with their problems, ailments, and diseases.

The Department of Pediatrics at Chaudhary Hospital consists of highly trained and qualified pediatric doctors and surgeons, nurses, and helping staff trained from the best medical institutes. They have been providing their diligent and esteemed services in Udaipur and work hard to ensure the availability of the best medical facilities for your child.

We keep complete track of the child’s medical history and operate in all pediatric ailments, major and minor surgical procedures like Appendectomy, Cancer treatments, Gallbladder surgery, Bariatric surgery, and many more. With our 24-hour emergency ward, we make sure that your child gets the necessary treatment at any time of the day, any day.

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